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Parsifal At The Vienna State Opera: A Set In Lieu Of A Production

Updated Apr 5, 2018, 06:08pm EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

Parsifal In Vienna, A Decade On

A portmanteau of Otto Wagner visuals and works of his Viennese Secession friends, the Vienna State Opera’s Parsifal is often gorgeous to look at, and offers nothing to remember, except that vague sense of frustration and an opportunity widely missed.

Easter Sunday exactly 10 years ago, I went to see Richard Wagner’s Parsifal – an opera traditionally performed around Easter, if for no better reason than the last act taking place on Good Friday – at Vienna’s State Opera. It was the penultimate stop on an Easter Pilgrimage that my then-boss at Washington’s classical radio station had taken me on and on which we tried to hit as many performances of the Matthew Passion and Parsifal as possible. (Our score ended up an impressive 5 +3 + an errant Flying Dutchman in the course of ten days; I wrote about it on ionarts: Easter Pilgrimage – Parisfal [sic!])

That Vienna performance was perhaps the most memorable of the three (Paris and Munich were the other two), because it denoted the moment that my theory on what makes Thielemann a great (opera-, and specifically Wagner-) conductor crystallized: “Thieleman has the gift of the invisible fast-forward button where he can speed up a performance at will, without you noticing it… only to relish all the attention in the world on a moment of grandeur. You don’t get motion sick, because he’s subtle, you get the best of the glorious bits, and you skip zippily along the ‘dreadful quarter-hours’.”

Now aforementioned former boss and I found ourselves back at an Easter Sunday Parsifal in Vienna. (It stings a little, to think that it’s really been a decade, but there it is.) Back then it was Christine Mielitz’ production, now it was Alvis Hermanis’ take on Parsifal. Instead of Thielemann it was Semyon Bychkov at the reins. Neither was an improvement, to put it mildly… but at least Bychkov came out of it reasonably well.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

Bychkov Best in Show

Bychkov’s conducting was dynamically varied, fluid, secure and very lucid. I found it short of sensuality but it also wasn’t just loud (one of Bychkov’s specialties – and I don’t even mean that facetiously). It merely lacked, even in the fine dynamic gradations, that hard-to-define, harder-still-to-describe nuance and internal ‘necessity’. It was, in short, only very good, and could probably have gained from a quicker pulse – seeing that it did so many things right already with a rather leaden one. The orchestra was too loud, generally, as it is prone to be, but not as much as usual. Turns out that the orchestral-musical aspect, though hardly something for the ages, was the best aspect of the night. (It was made to look better, still, by the dog’s breakfast that the orchestra made out of Rheingold, a couple days later.)

The vocalists were good enough (which, of course, isn’t really good enough), but certainly not what the cast of that production’s premiere was… not on paper, at least (nor, judging by the reviews, on stage). The principals last year had been Nina Stemme, René Pape, Gerald Finley, and Christopher Ventris. The last of these is the only hangover from the first few runs (Pape, in any case, had been subbing even then, for Hans-Peter König). Even if he might be the least of these four names, Ventris is definitely a good Parsifal. No longer thoroughly youthful at 57, but well above average in that rôle – even with his accented German which, Parsifal being an outsider to the societies he mingles in, makes enough sense: Short of Jonas Kaufmann or the eminently suited (if mildly controversial) Klaus Florian Vogt, who else might do as good a job at it? In this production Ventris runs around with his golden plate of armor permanently strapped on in an early 20th century world, which makes him look further out of place. On his return to Monserrat in Act III he has even upgraded to full body armor, which you would think might be cause for more comment in a hospital complex around 1900 than it does on stage. But then, not everything – or much – makes a whole lot of sense in this production.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

Fair Singing and Picture-Depicting Costumes

Kwanchul Youn is a seasoned, confident Wagnerian of the first rank, but he is not a transcendent Gurnemanz. He manages the part without emotional highpoints or grit; just well enough and better than that, but lacking the virility of a Günther Groissböck or a Georg Zeppenfeld or the seasoned authority of a René Pape or a (admittedly very much dead) Kurt Moll. Boaz Daniel’s Klingsor was decent and stentorian, but pale, with a wobbly delivery and never remotely scary. Somehow he couldn’t be quite bothered; hampered by the lack of direction. He tottered through the set as the bad doctor (as opposed to Gurnemanz’ begning “Marcus Welby, M.D.”), but he didn’t exactly evoke Dr. Mengele- or Ernst Illing-levels of evil.

Anja Kampe, full of vocal color and vitality, was an invulnerable, strong and wild Kundry that was given no chance by the direction to ever seduce Parsifal. And while she was the vocal highpoint, the transitions between dramatic outbreak and lyrical elements (both done well in-and-of themselves) felt awkward. Being caged in – literally, in a psychiatric bed with a fence all around it – can’t have helped. In Act II, she was put into a costume replete with golden crown and enormous hairpiece – undoubtedly a recreation of some famous painting I don’t know. Not Klimt, though vaguely looking like his Pallas Athena and Hygieia (from the painting “Medicine”, which would make superficial sense given the setting and scene)… and in the end just appearing like a Norse goddess with golden earmuffs and looking mighty silly and very much not seductive.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

Jochen Schmeckenbecher, still Klingsor in previous runs of that production, was a strong and lyrical, sturdy and moving Amfortas and had a touch of fearsome anger in the third act, which was becoming to the rôle. Ryan Speedo Green’s Titurel was only ever amplified and sounded artificial and horrid, much like the bells or Margaret Plummer’s Voice from Above. The Flower Maidens though, of which Mlle. Plummer was a part, were very good – especially substitute maiden Stephanie Houtzeel. They were, like all the gals in Klingsor’s garden, dressed in white dresses of that time, Alma Mahler-style (or Sonja Knips-esque, à la Klimt), which I’m sure were also the depiction of a famous painting or picture, too. Since they were lobotomized, their seduction (or attempt thereof) was rather on the zombiesque side and decidedly lacking sensuality.

The depiction of Secession-Vienna, ca. 1900, is the idée fixe of Alvis Hermanis’ set. Technically speaking, Alvis Hermanis is not just responsible for the set but also the direction – but apparently not being adequately paid for both rôles he must have decided that an admittedly gorgeous if completely forgettable scenery would have to suffice and that he couldn’t be bothered with a proper direction or basic blocking. And so this Parsifal degenerates to a picture postcard presentation of the Vienna of the time; a five-hour lurch through the Otto Wagner exhibition (incidentally running at the Wien Museum through October 10th of this year)… placing the action (if only there was any) in the Steinhof psychiatric hospital (re-christened “Otto Wagner Spital” in 2000 and, to help with identification, accordingly labeled here, too).

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

Otto Wagner Portmanteau

Indeed, architect Otto Wagner is cannibalized for all the sets, whether it’s a more or less straight reproduction of the St. Leopold church up above the Steinhof area or bastardizations of other Otto Wagner visuals. The Karlsplatz subway station entry is emblazoned not with its own name but with the typographic decoration “Die Zeit” which Wagner designed for the telegraph office of the former Viennese newspaper of that name. Why? Because “Die Zeit” is mentioned twice in the libretto in that act. That’s all the depth there’s to it. Catch it if you can; if not, you’re no worse off for it.

If that mixing and matching all sort-of works, visually, it’s because Otto Wagner’s aesthetic was one that didn’t make any distinction between subway stations, mental asylums, savings banks, churches and abattoirs. Sadly it tells us zilch about Parsifal. And it becomes absurd and comical when the chandelier/cupola above the altar of the St. Leopold church (which is either one of the most gorgeous buildings of Vienna or a monstrosity of tackiness and well possibly a bit of both) becomes a suspended hair salon drying hood that is lowered on to the oversized brain which in turn stands in for the grail throughout the production (in varying sizes and multiple incarnations, including a Swarovski-crystal encrusted blob). The spear, by the way, is a giant toothpick stuck in the big brain-on-wheels; Parsifal pulls it out slowly; Klingsor watches on, unfazed, and shuffles off stage. And that’s it.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

This Is Your Brain On A Toothpick

Now, the location itself could have made sense. Steinhof started out as a state-of-the-art psychiatric ward, championing the rights and needs of patients that were, at the time, not taken seriously in a good many places or by many people. During the 30s and 40s, though, it became a place where hundreds of children were experimented on, abused, and murdered, in the regime’s goal to rid the nation of what it considered unworthies. By now it’s a swanky conglomerate of hospitals again, albeit with an uncertain future and still a creepy feel to it. That’s a good setup for a place that’s haunted but full of idealism, about sickness and healing (Act 1) and then, by the passage of time but not location, a place of evil and abuse (Act 2, when Klingsor lobotomizes his sex slaves and electro-shocks Kundry back into carnal service), and finally a place of tepid redemption (Act 3; if one were to be so optimistic about our own age’s enlightenment). The ideas of delusion and healing and (mental) redemption, central to Parsifal, would all be appropriate to tackle in that opera and that setting.

But Hermanis doesn’t bother to make much, if anything, of it. He is content with visual cues and Viennese celebration-of-self, making for a production that showcases the deeply provincial nature of the former metropolis and its long-past-its-glory opera house: A presumably inadvertent if thoroughly poignant message of this utterly conventional production.

It all shows most painfully in the presentation of the full chorus. No longer consisting just of mental patients, the human staffage that is called on stage consists of (fairly ludicrously) costumed famous pictures of “Vienna, roughly 1900”. I think I made out Sigmund Freud, Peter Altenberg, Gustav Klimt, Otto Wagner, Egon Schiele, Gustav Mahler (?), Johann Strauss II, and a few other luminaries of the time who certainly looked like they were supposed to be someone, even if I didn’t catch it. Absurd enough, since this wasn’t integrated into the story, it got much worse when the same sorry lot came back in act three, this time stuffed in random bronzed bits of armor worn atop their regular cloths, and topped with Asterix-style helmets that might have been raided form the last production of Norma: A ghastly assortment of wings and antlers, limp bats and doves in shades of fake metal that befuddled and amused.

The best thing that can be said about this literalist production, which is always limping a few steps behind the action, is that it saves you the trip to the museum or, vice versa (and a better deal, artistically and financially), that the trip to the museum coupled with a recording of your choice on your mobile music device saves you the visit to the opera.

© Wiener Staatsoper, Michael Pöhn

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