Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
27 July 2024

Terms of Use

By accessing theoperacritic.com (Web Site) you are agreeing to be legally bound by these Terms of Use as modified from time to time. Your use of the Web Site constitutes your agreement to the Terms of Use.

Before using the Web Site it is your responsibility to read the Privacy Policy and notify us in the manner set out if you do not want us to collect information about you.

Use of Web Site
The Web Site is owned by Michael Sinclair (MS), who reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Web Site at any time, with or without notice or explanation.

Accessing the Web Site
To access the full content of the Web Site you must purchase a subscription package. You will then be required to login to the Web Site by way of the username and password that you used to subscribe.

Your username and password are personal to you and should not be disclosed to any third party. In particular the posting of your username and password in any public area is specifically prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, internet chat rooms, forums, newsgroups or any other web site. Such misuse may result in your subscription being terminated.

All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content displayed on the Web Site (Content) belong to MS, or, in certain cases, to the publications that we link to. All rights are hereby reserved.

Just as MS requires users to respect his copyright, and those of our affiliates and partners, MS respects the copyright of others. If you believe in good faith that your copyrighted work has been reproduced on the Web Site without authorisation in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please notify us immediately by .

Links to third party sites
This Web Site contains links to other web sites operated by parties who are wholly separate from MS. Links to all third party sites are identifiable because clicking on them will launch new browser windows displaying the third party's web site URLs.

Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only and MS cannot be held responsible in any way for the content, operation or availability of such web sites. You are further advised that each third party web site will have its own Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which will differ from those pertaining to this Web Site.

Amazon.com links
MS is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases made via links from this site.

Use of Content
The Web Site and the Content may only be used for your personal, non-commercial use. For this purpose alone you may retrieve and display the Content on a computer screen. You may also print out, but not photocopy, one copy of individual files on paper and store files in electronic form on disc, but not on any server or any other storage device connected to a network where the pages could be accessed by other users.

Except as set out above, you agree not to download, copy, reproduce, modify, store, archive, show in public, redistribute or commercially exploit in any way any part of the Content without the written permission of MS.

You agree not to use the Content for any illegal or improper purpose.

You also agree to abide by all copyright notices and restrictions attached to the Content and not to remove or alter any such notice or restriction or alter the Content in any way.

Limitation of liability and disclaimer
MS obtains the Content from a wide variety of sources and it includes facts, views, opinions and information likely to be of interest to users of the Web Site.

While all reasonable care is taken, MS does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, performance or fitness for any particular purpose of the Content or the Web Site, nor does MS endorse or accept any responsibility for any views, advice, recommendations or opinions expressed on this Web Site. You should note that any contact or arrangements made between you and a third party named on this Web Site is at your own risk, and MS accepts no liability.

The Content should only be used for your general information and use and not by way of specific recommendation or advice as every individual's circumstances are different.

MS does not give any warranties in respect of the Content or the Web Site, including without limitation any warranty about Y2K compliance, freedom from viruses or other contamination or that the Web Site is compatible with any computer systems, software and browsers.

Further information
If you have any queries in connection with the Terms of Use of the Web Site then please feel free to contact us by .

Privacy Policy

By accessing theoperacritic.com (Web Site) you are agreeing to be legally bound by the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy. You should therefore also read the Terms of Use before using the Web Site.

The Opera Critic is determined to protect your privacy. We want you to enjoy your visits to the Web Site without having to compromise your privacy in any way.

Knowing something about our users is, however, important to ensure that our service is continually improved. By knowing where our users come from will help us to offer a service that is relevant to your needs.

What information do we collect?
We automatically collect some data about our users' browsing actions and patterns. This is aggregate data and does not identify any individual.

We may also ask you to provide information on a voluntary basis in order to get a clearer picture of our users. It is then entirely up to you whether you are happy to give this information.

In the course of subscribing, entering competitions, promotions and online offers you will be asked to give some details about yourself. You may also choose to e-mail us or make contact with us in other ways.

If you make any purchases with our affiliates they will ask for certain information. This information may be shared with us.

What do we do with this information?
We use aggregate audience details (where no individual is identifiable) to help us improve our understanding of our users and their preferences. We use it to assist us in arranging advertising, commercial opportunities and competitions.

The information enables us to conduct market research and other surveys.

We want to be able to create and draw to your attention editorial material and commercial opportunities that may be of interest to you.

We share the information with advertisers, trading partners and other commercial entities with whom we have or might have an association. We may also share the information they obtain about their users, which may include you.

How private are my details?
We only share personal information about you with third parties whom we have selected carefully and with whom we have a commercial relationship.

We take all reasonable care to ensure that your information is secure and private and is only seen by authorised people. However we cannot be held responsible for the actions of a third party who, at your request, receives or obtains access to your information, nor for any breach of security.

We do share aggregate information about our users with potential advertisers or partners, but this never includes personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number.

What to do if you do not want us to share your details
If you tell us that you do not want us to use your details, then data about your use of the Web Site would then only form part of aggregated statistics and would not be related to you as an individual.

You can advise us of your wishes by to send us an e-mail.

What about my credit card details when I subscribed?
We do not hold details of the credit card that you used to subscribe. Your payment is processed by the company processing the payment on their secure servers.

Use of cookies
Cookies are small text files that are sent to your browser when you visit the Web Site and are stored on your hard disk. They are used to identify your previous visits.

At time of login you will be asked whether you wish to use cookies to store your identification details. If you do not wish us to use cookies then you will be required to login each time you visit the site.

You should be aware that advertisers and other third parties who have banners on our site may use cookies, over which we have no control. You should refer to the Privacy Policy of the third party in question.

Links to third party sites
There are many links on our Web Site that take you to third party web sites. The Privacy Policy stated here relates only to the Web Site theoperacritic.com. Once you link to a third party web site you will be governed by the Privacy Policy of the third party site, We cannot be held responsible for any breaches of your privacy by a third party site, which you linked to from this Web Site.

Other disclosure of personal information
We will not otherwise use or disclose any personal information you provide to us without your consent except as described in this Privacy Policy, or as required by law, court order or as requested by other government or law enforcement authorities.

At time of subscription you will be asked whether you wish us to disclose your details to third parties. This is optional.

Further information
If you need any further information, or wish to communicate with us about this Privacy Policy, please e-mail us by .