Wexford Festival Opera - Wexford
27 July 2024

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Zoraida di Granata

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 8

Claudia Boyle’s stand out performance in bel canto rarity
23 Nov 23 / OperaWire
Salvare il tiranno
11 Nov 23 / L'Ape musicale
A first-rate performance of an early Donizetti opera in Wexford
7 Nov 23 / Seen and Heard
Forgotten but not gone
7 Nov 23 / Opera Today
La direction musicale de Diego Ceretta est vivante et varie au mieux tempi et nuances
7 Nov 23 / Anaclase
If the quality of the work was evident it was wholly down to the production and the performance of the opera
2 Nov 23 / Opera Journal
A triumphant Zoraida di Granata by Donizetti at Wexford Festival Opera
31 Oct 23 / Bachtrack
Zwei Tenöre im Kampf um die Sopranistin
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
La Ciociara

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 9

A staging that confirms Tutino’s opera as a contemporary masterpiece
15 Nov 23 / OperaWire
An outstanding performance of Marco Tutino’s La Ciociara at Wexford
13 Nov 23 / Seen and Heard
Vittime senza vendetta
11 Nov 23 / L'Ape musicale
La distribution vocale est homogène et de bon niveau
7 Nov 23 / Anaclase
Wexford Festival’s stunning Two Women
4 Nov 23 / Opera Today
Superbly directed by Rosetta Cucchi, the staging couldn't have been in better hands
2 Nov 23 / Opera Journal
Gräuel des Krieges
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
Impassioned rendition of Tutino's Two Women at Wexford Festival Opera
28 Oct 23 / Bachtrack
Hard-hitting opera played with ferocity
28 Oct 23 / The Stage
La fille du régiment

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

An enthusiastic cast and creative team present an afternoon of laughter
11 Nov 23 / OperaWire
Regiment in der afrikanischen Wüste
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
Suor Angelica

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

McLean produces an emotionally strong performance as Suor Angelica
10 Nov 23 / OperaWire
Nonnendrama ohne Kloster
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
L'aube rouge

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 6

Andreea Soare impresses as Wexford Festival Opera revives Erlanger’s L’Aube Rouge
10 Nov 23 / Seen and Heard
Dirigée par Christophe Manien, la musique s’épanouit avec une appréciable richesse orchestrale
7 Nov 23 / Anaclase
Red Dawn rises again in Wexford
4 Nov 23 / Opera Today
Conducted by Guillaume Tourniaire, the playing of the orchestra was exceptional
2 Nov 23 / Opera Journal
Camille Erlanger's L'Aube rouge a damp squib at Wexford Festival Opera
1 Nov 23 / Bachtrack
Liebe gegen politischen Aktivismus
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
L'Italiana in Algeri

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

Manoshvili steals the show with a standout performance
8 Nov 23 / OperaWire
Gestrandet im Hotel
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
Gianni Schicchi

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

Erbschaftsstreit mit Lokalkolorit
31 Oct 23 / Online Musik Magazin
Mischievous knockabout opera set in Wexford’s Italian community is a riot of fun
27 Oct 23 / Irish Independent

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 8

Strong cast led by Jennifer Davis unable to rescue Dvorak’s opera from its weak libretto
28 Nov 22 / OperaWire
Any opportunity to see a rare Dvořák opera performed live is an occasion to relish
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
Musical and dramatic riches: Wexford revives Dvorak's final opera, Armida, in an imaginative production with some superb singing
7 Nov 22 / Planet Hugill
Le dernier opéra de Dvořák ne connaît que de rares représentations en-dehors des frontières
2 Nov 22 / Avant-Scène Opéra
En Armida, le soprano Jennifer Davis domine nettement la distribution
1 Nov 22 / Anaclase
Armida all'ombra delle fanciulle fiore
30 Oct 22 / L'Ape musicale
Staging sorcery: Dvořák's Armida played straight in fine Wexford production
26 Oct 22 / Bachtrack
Zauberoper mit beeindruckenden Projektionen
25 Oct 22 / Online Musik Magazin
Lalla Roukh

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 11

Phelan uncovers the magic in David’s neglected opera
21 Nov 22 / OperaWire
The star of the evening in what was definitely the star opera of the Festival - Gabrielle Philiponet
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
Beyond Orientalism: Orpha Phelan's imaginative new production of Félicien David's Lalla-Roukh at Wexford Festival
7 Nov 22 / Planet Hugill
In its short season, Lalla-Roukh has already proved the Festival favourite
4 Nov 22 / GoldenPlec
Gabrielle Philiponet enchante dès l’air d’entrée du rôle-titre
4 Nov 22 / Anaclase
Le spectacle présenté souligne la dimension merveilleuse du livret
2 Nov 22 / Avant-Scène Opéra
Notti d'oriente
30 Oct 22 / L'Ape musicale
A forgotten gem
26 Oct 22 / Opera Today
Le spectacle présenté souligne la dimension merveilleuse du livret
25 Oct 22 / Avant-Scène Opéra
Riotous nonsense and royal nuptials
25 Oct 22 / Bachtrack
Magie der Fantasie
24 Oct 22 / Online Musik Magazin

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

The young singers from the Wexford Factory bring Deutscher’s fairy tale Opera alive
20 Nov 22 / OperaWire
The singing was exceptionally good across every role, particularly from the two leads
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
The Spectre Knight

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 3

Cellier’s rarely performed operetta is warmly received
12 Nov 22 / OperaWire
The Spectre Knight is delightfully played
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
Ghosts, guilt and giggles: two contrasting Pocket Operas at Wexford Festival Opera
27 Oct 22 / Opera Today
The Master

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 5

Caruso successfully transforms Tóibín’s novel about Henry James into an opera
10 Nov 22 / OperaWire
There is not a dull moment anywhere
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
Intriguing work in progress: Alberto Caruso & Colm Toibin's The Master in its first full staging at Wexford
7 Nov 22 / Planet Hugill
Ghosts, guilt and giggles: two contrasting Pocket Operas at Wexford Festival Opera
27 Oct 22 / Opera Today
Geister der Vergangenheit
23 Oct 22 / Online Musik Magazin
La Tempesta

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 10

No-one can say that Wexford didn't give La Tempesta a fair hearing and showing
10 Nov 22 / Opera Journal
Cross-border cross-pollination: Halévy's opera based on Shakespeare's The Tempest proves to be ideal Wexford territory, if not quite a forgotten gem
7 Nov 22 / Planet Hugill
La distribution vocale est globalement de bonne tenue
2 Nov 22 / Anaclase
La Tempesta is definitely worth a listen, and deserves the recognition that this revival brings
2 Nov 22 / GoldenPlec
La materia di cui sono fatti i sogni
30 Oct 22 / L'Ape musicale
Shakespeare’s enchanted island gets a youthful and slick spin
25 Oct 22 / Irish Independent
Halévy’s uneven 1850 Shakespearean opera is not helped by an obscure production
25 Oct 22 / The Stage
Rough magic
25 Oct 22 / Bachtrack
Halévy’s La tempesta opens the 71st Wexford Festival Opera
24 Oct 22 / Opera Today
Sturm in einer ernüchternden Inszenierung
23 Oct 22 / Online Musik Magazin

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 8

Il brutto sogno di Edmea
16 Nov 21 / Il Giornale della Musica (Ita)
Director Julia Burback turns a banal drama into a psychological thriller
29 Oct 21 / OperaWire
Edmea has all the vocal challenges of a typical Italian opera of this period
28 Oct 21 / Opera Journal
Catalani’s Edmea gets the Wexford Festival off to a good start
26 Oct 21 / Seen and Heard
An imaginative, psychological take on Catalani's Edmea at Wexford Festival Opera
26 Oct 21 / Bachtrack
A visually impressive production of Edmea at Wexford
22 Oct 21 / Irish Examiner
Verkehrte Welt
21 Oct 21 / Online Musik Magazin
A psychological slant on a popular work
21 Oct 21 / The Irish Times
I Capuleti e I Montecchi

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

Rosetta Cucchi’s initiative to nurture young talent bears fruit
5 Nov 21 / OperaWire
Belcanto mit vielversprechendem Nachwuchs
24 Oct 21 / Online Musik Magazin
Le Songe d’une nuit d’été

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 4

Shakespeare like you have never seen him before
5 Nov 21 / OperaWire
And a job well done as far as Ambroise Thomas is concerned
28 Oct 21 / Opera Journal
Welcome revival of Ambroise Thomas’s Le Songe d’une nuit d’été in Wexford
26 Oct 21 / Seen and Heard
Elizabeth I. als Muse des Dichters
22 Oct 21 / Online Musik Magazin
Ein Wintermärchen

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 4

Wexford Festival Opera’s enjoyable revival of Goldmark’s Ein Wintermärchen
1 Nov 21 / Seen and Heard
An excellent cast gave this work a fine presentation
28 Oct 21 / Opera Journal
A passionate Winter's Tale at Wexford Festival Opera
26 Oct 21 / Bachtrack
Abstruse Geschichte in einer vergessenen Oper
24 Oct 21 / Online Musik Magazin
The Veiled Prophet

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

A committed performance makes a case for Stanford’s forgotten first opera
10 Nov 19 / OperaWire
The unveiling of The Veiled Prophet at the 68th Wexford festival didn't perhaps reveal a great opera
7 Nov 19 / Opera Journal
L'inganno felice

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 3

Ella Marchment’s direction balances comedy, violence and melancholia
8 Nov 19 / OperaWire
The production was bang on the money in terms of tone
7 Nov 19 / Opera Journal
Rossinis Farsa mit flachen Regieeinfällen
27 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 3

Viardot's Cendrillon is all the more delightful for its concision
7 Nov 19 / Opera Journal
A light piece of entertainment for the afternoon
5 Nov 19 / OperaWire
Erinnerungen auf dem Dachboden
27 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin
Dorilla in Tempe

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 5

The production just tries to get the work across in the best way possible
7 Nov 19 / Opera Journal
Balance issues and uneven singing compromise a handsome Vivaldi production in Wexford
2 Nov 19 / Seen and Heard
Baroque opera embraces opulance
26 Oct 19 / Irish Independent
Barocke Opulenz in Wexford
25 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin
Florid campery as Vivaldi’s Dorilla in Tempe travels from Venice to Wexford
24 Oct 19 / Bachtrack
Don Quichotte

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 6

It looks marvellous it sounds marvellous
7 Nov 19 / Opera Journal
Massenet’s masterpiece receives a visually, dramatically and musically stunning presentation
4 Nov 19 / OperaWire
An outstanding production of Massenet’s Don Quichotte by Wexford Festival Opera
31 Oct 19 / Seen and Heard
Comedy-tragedy mix makes a complex meditation on ageing
26 Oct 19 / Irish Independent
Man of La Mancha fiesta: Massenet’s Don Quichotte opens Wexford Festival Opera
24 Oct 19 / Bachtrack
Bewegendes Alterswerk voller Melancholie
24 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin
La cucina

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 4

A novel and imaginative double bill at Wexford Festival Opera
5 Nov 19 / Seen and Heard
A light hors d’oeuvre followed by a delicious dessert starring Levy Sekgapane and Rachel Kelly
1 Nov 19 / OperaWire
Hochzeitstorte mit Vorbereitung
1 Nov 19 / Online Musik Magazin
Rossinian Bake-Off: a delicious double bill at Wexford
26 Oct 19 / Bachtrack

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 4

A novel and imaginative double bill at Wexford Festival Opera
5 Nov 19 / Seen and Heard
A light hors d’oeuvre followed by a delicious dessert starring Levy Sekgapane and Rachel Kelly
1 Nov 19 / OperaWire
Hochzeitstorte mit Vorbereitung
27 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin
Rossinian Bake-Off: a delicious double bill at Wexford
26 Oct 19 / Bachtrack
Le Docteur Miracle

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 2

A fun production starring a magnificent omelette
2 Nov 19 / OperaWire
Mit Omelette zum Erfolg
25 Oct 19 / Online Musik Magazin
Il bravo

Wexford Festival Opera

No. of reviews: 9

L'opéra romantique comme on le rêve
12 Nov 18 / Wanderer
La distribution vocale est inégale, mais comprend de très bons éléments
6 Nov 18 / Anaclase
Wexford, if no-where else, continues to make a case for Saverio Mercadante
1 Nov 18 / Opera Journal
A complicated and intricate plot
30 Oct 18 / OperaWire
Una ópera difícil, truculenta y olvidada de Mercadante
30 Oct 18 / Beckmesser
Abstruse Handlung mit spektakulärer Musik
26 Oct 18 / Online Musik Magazin
Ekaterina Bakanova excels in Wexford’s staging of Mercadante’s Il Bravo
26 Oct 18 / Seen and Heard
A Wexford round up
25 Oct 18 / Opera Today
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News & Articles

Wexford Festival Opera announces 2024 slate
The Wexford Festival Opera has announced its 2024 season which will feature 80 events across 16 days. It kicks off on Oct. 18, 2024, and runs through Nov. 2, 2024.
1 Nov 2023 / OperaWire
Cucchi, a Wexford racconto le donne in guerra
La regista italiana, direttirce artistica del festival irlandese intitolato Women & War racconta il suo cartellone 2023 che la vede firmare la regia de La ciociara di Marco Tutino.
31 Oct 2023 / Pierachille Dolfini
Wexford Festival Opera receives €1.68 million in Arts Council funding
Wexford Festival Opera has been allocated €1.68 million in strategic funding from the Arts Council for 2023, an increase of 3% or €45,000 on last year.
11 Jan 2023 / Irish Independent
Wexford Festival Opera announces its 2023 season
The Wexford Festival Opera has announced its 2023 season which will include 70 events across 13 days.
8 Dec 2022 / OperaWire
Rediscovered rarities, new opera and young artists
A chat with Rosetta Cucchi, artistic director of Wexford Festival Opera.
18 Jul 2022 / Planet Hugill